U dalekim afričkim zemljama žive životinje poput lavova, tigrova, slonova i mnogih drugih koje su svoje mesto pronašle u mnogim pesmicama za decu. Mi smo pronašli neke od najlepših i najzanimljivijih sa nadom da će vam se dopasti. Draga deco čitajući pesmice o divljim životinjama možete saznati koje to osobine krase svaku od ovde pomenutih i naučiti nešto novo i zanimljivo o njihovom životu.
Sudbina careva – Gustav Krklec
Tužio se stari lav:
– Zveri moje, nisam zdrav.
A na ove reči lavlje
priredile zveri slavlje…
Strašan lav – Dušan Radović
Bio jednom jedan lav..
Kakav lav?
Strašan lav,
narogušen i ljut sav!
Strašno, strašno!
Išao je na tri noge,
gledao je na tri oka,
slušao je na tri uva..
Strašno, strašno!
Canadian Casino Architecture: More than Just Gaming Floors
When one thinks of a casino, the image of bustling gaming floors with rows of slot machines and tables often comes to mind. However, in Canada, casino architecture goes beyond mere gambling spaces, offering visitors a unique blend of entertainment, luxury, and cultural experiences. From iconic landmarks in bustling cities to picturesque resorts nestled in natural landscapes, Canadian casinos are architectural marvels that captivate both locals and tourists alike.
In this article, we delve into the world of Canadian casino architecture, exploring how these structures are more than just places for gaming. We will uncover the innovative designs, cultural influences, and sustainability practices that shape these venues. Join us as we journey through the diverse landscape of Canadian casinos, where each building tells a story of creativity, opulence, and community. Discover how these architectural wonders redefine the traditional concept of a casino, offering a multifaceted experience that goes beyond the thrill of winning at the tables.
The Evolution of Canadian Casino Design
When one thinks of Canadian casinos, the mind often jumps to images of bustling gaming floors and vibrant slot machines. However, Canadian casino architecture is a rich tapestry that extends far beyond just the gaming areas. Many casinos in Canada boast stunning architectural designs that blend modern aesthetics with cultural influences.
From the iconic CN Tower looming over Toronto to the historic architecture of Old Montreal, Canadian casinos draw inspiration from their surroundings to create unique and captivating spaces. These architectural marvels offer visitors an immersive experience that goes beyond just gambling, inviting them to explore and appreciate the beauty of the buildings themselves.
One such example is the luxurious Casino de Charlevoix in Quebec, nestled amidst picturesque landscapes and showcasing elegant design elements that reflect the region’s charm. Similarly, the sleek and contemporary Casino Niagara stands out with its bold architectural style that mirrors the energy of the famous Niagara Falls.
For those seeking a blend of entertainment and architectural wonder, Canadian casinos provide a feast for the senses. Whether admiring the soaring ceilings of the Casino du Lac-Leamy or the innovative design of the River Rock Casino Resort, visitors can immerse themselves in a world where artistry and gaming seamlessly intertwine. Discover more about Canadian casino architecture at casimatic.com.
Integrating Entertainment and Hospitality in Casino Architecture
Canadian casino architecture goes beyond the traditional gaming floors, offering visitors a multi-faceted experience that blends entertainment, luxury, and design. From the moment guests step inside, they are greeted with stunning interiors that often showcase a combination of modern aesthetics and elements inspired by Canadian culture. The architecture of Canadian casinos aims to create an immersive environment that captivates visitors and provides a sense of grandeur and excitement.
Moreover, Canadian casinos are known for their diverse amenities and attractions, with architectural designs that incorporate world-class restaurants, bars, theaters, and event spaces. These establishments are carefully designed to cater to a wide range of interests, ensuring that visitors can enjoy a full-scale entertainment experience beyond just gambling. Whether it’s a sleek rooftop lounge with panoramic views of the city skyline or a luxurious spa offering relaxation and rejuvenation, Canadian casino architecture is a testament to the creativity and innovation that goes into creating memorable and engaging spaces for guests to enjoy.
Sustainable Practices in Modern Casino Construction
Canadian casino architecture goes beyond just the gaming floors, embodying a blend of luxury, entertainment, and design. From the moment visitors step inside, they are greeted with opulent interiors that reflect the grandeur of the space. High ceilings, intricate lighting fixtures, and lavish decor create a sense of grandiosity that sets the tone for a luxurious experience. These architectural marvels often feature stunning glass facades that allow natural light to flood the space, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.
Moreover, Canadian casinos are designed to offer a holistic entertainment experience, with amenities ranging from upscale restaurants and bars to theaters and concert venues. The architecture seamlessly integrates these diverse offerings, creating a dynamic environment where guests can immerse themselves in a world of leisure and excitement. Whether it’s a sleek modern design or a more traditional aesthetic, Canadian casino architecture is a testament to the creativity and innovation that defines the industry.
The Influence of Indigenous Culture on Canadian Casino Architecture
Canadian casino architecture goes beyond just the gaming floors, offering visitors a complete sensory experience. From the moment guests enter the grand lobby, they are enveloped in a world of luxury and opulence. The design elements, such as intricate lighting fixtures, high ceilings, and lavish decor, create a sophisticated ambiance that sets the stage for an unforgettable entertainment experience.
Architectural highlights in Canadian casinos often include upscale restaurants, bars, lounges, and entertainment venues that are seamlessly integrated into the overall design. These spaces are meticulously crafted to provide patrons with a variety of atmospheres, from chic and intimate settings to vibrant and energetic spaces. The architecture of Canadian casinos aims to transport visitors to a world of glamour and excitement, making the entire establishment a destination in itself, beyond just a place for gaming.
Canadian casino architecture goes beyond just providing spaces for gaming; it encapsulates a blend of luxury, entertainment, and cultural experiences. From the opulent designs of the Casino de Montreal to the modern aesthetics of the Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort, each casino is a unique architectural masterpiece. The integration of restaurants, theaters, and hotels within these structures creates an immersive environment that caters to a diverse range of visitors. As Canada continues to innovate and expand its gaming industry, the architectural landscape of its casinos will undoubtedly evolve, offering patrons not only a place to gamble but a destination for unforgettable experiences.
Ne pitajte šta je jeo.
Taj je jeo šta je hteo
– tramvaj ceo
i oblaka jedan deo!
Strašno, strašno!
Zubi oštri, pogled zao,
on za milost nije znao!
Strašno, strašno!
Dok ga Brana
jednog dana
nije gumom izbrisao.
Strašno, strašno!
Tigar – Gvido Tartalja
Tigar! On je, to već znamo,
od svih zveri zver najljuća.
Za njega ću reći samo:
„Daleko mu lepa kuća!“
Slon – Gvido Tartalja
Da slon pere zube
pastom kao mi
svaki dan bi tube
potrošio tri.
Pardon – Dragan Lukić
Sreo slon
u šetnji
i zgazi joj
i treću
Učtivo surlu
podig’o slon
i rek’o:
– Pardon.
Slonovska pesma – Bora Đorđević
O moj jadni slone,
težak si na tone.
Lovci slona love
zbog slonovske kljove.
Slonu služi surla
da kroz nju zaurla.
Pomoću nje tera
svakog drugog zvera.
Slon lepotan Dondolan – Svetislav Vuković
Slon lepotan Dondolan
i slonica Mica
venčali se jednog dana
ispod krošnji od banana.
To je bila ljubav stara,
ometana od šumara
i ostalih iz prašume
poprilično brojne sume.
Venčanje je prošlo sretno,
izvedeno vrlo spretno,
uz prisustvo šumskih vlasti
i zvanica od počasti.
Medveda su sa severa
zamolili za devera,
a za dužnost starog svata
žirafinog mlađeg brata.
Zadovoljni svi su bili,
najeli se i napili,
ljutila se samo puma
zašto nije bila kuma.
Zašto su slonovi veliki – Simeon Marinković
Slonovi svoju decu paze
manje grde, aviše maze.
Babe, dede, majke, strine
– o slončetu svako brine.
Pošto ga vole toliko,
slonče poraste veliko.
Pred ogledalom – Andra Franičević
Naš’o majmun stari
ogledalo neko,
pa video sebe
i ozbiljno rek’o:
– E, što jeste , jeste,
nema brate zbora:
još video nisam
ovakvoga stvora!
Gle, kako je smešan!
Gle, kako je dlakav!
Baš ti bože hvala
što ja nisam takav.
Bolesnik na tri sprata – Branko Ćopić
Našega staroga doktora Jana
telefon zove s Kalemegdana:
„Doktore dragi, hitno je vrlo,
imamo gosta, boli ga grlo!“
„Imate gosta?
Da nije stranac?“
„Pravo ste rekli. Jest’, Afrikanac!“
„Doći ću brzo, za jedan sat.
Kažite samo: na koji sprat?“
„Na kome spratu? Teško je reći,
boli ga čitav – drugi i treći!“
Čudom se čudi nas doktor Jan:
Kakav bolesnik? Je l’ trospratan?!“
„Doktore, jeste, to nije varka,
zovemo, znate, iz zoo-parka.
Zirafu jednu boli nam vrat,
a to je – drugi i treći sprat.“
Žirafa kao sumnjivo lice – Pop D. Đurđev
Šta li radi ovaj stvor mi
u maskirnoj uniformi.
Ta bitanga višeg ranga,
je l’ to vođa nekog ganga,
il’ je neko lice vojno,
uniforme nedostojno,
što napusti vojnu bazu;
ili ima psorijazu,
pa se krije celog veka,
zato što je puna fleka.